Sunday, December 30, 2007

GTD Mobile Webapp Quest

Just listened to Get Things Done Fast in one sitting during my 10 drive back from the family holiday visit. It was a great refresher on my productivity system. One thing that has changed since the first time I read the book has been the boom in mobile web and ease of use with my new Verizon Voyager iPhone Killer. So I am in the market for the best mobile GTD Webapp that could finally kinkless integrate and all my systems and make them accessible anywhere.

The finalist were:

Remember the Milk vs. Nozbe vs. Vitalist

My Rating:

*All have good mobile versions
*All have a fair free membership
*Remember the Milk and Nozbe have a Netvibes widget
*Remember the Milk and Vitalist have better user interface
*Remember the Milk allows you to add your tasks to Google Calendar
*Remember the Milk saves your completed task so you refer back to.
*Remember the Milk is the most customizable (Nozbe has preset contexts you can not change - Big turn off and Vitalist have 10 limited) See GTD with RTM: Getting Things Done with Remember The Milk for a great post on how to customize Remember the Milk to meet you GTD needs. Basically make your bucket lists (waiting for, tickler, someday/maybe, inbox) then use tagging to label your contexts.

My Pick:
1st Remember the Milk
2nd Vitalist
3rd Nozbe

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